events & workshops

evolve and flourish though the potency of community

Release Stress, Center Emotions, Clarify Thoughts and Connect to Your Inner Divinity…

women’s breathwork

Women’s breathwork offers a safe space for women and those identifying as female to experience breathwork as a pathway to personal transformation.

Breathwork is an interactive meditation that uses a three part breath to bypass the overthinking mind, open the waiting heart and connect to your truth within.

Each breathwork evening will consist of an opportunity to care for and connect to Self as well as others through open-hearted communication, the breath and movement.

Women’s breathwork is offered once a month at Luke Adler Healing, which is located at 1633 Willamette St.

The exchange is on a sliding scale of $35-$50. Choose a price on the sliding scale that is right for you.

Current Covid Event Protocols:

  • Mask optional

  • Windows will be open for ventilation

  • Air purifiers will run for duration of the event

  • Limited spaces available


coming soon…

tap & Breathe

breathing photo.jpg

coming soon…

breathwork for sensitives